SPCP Toolkit Quick-Links to Sections
SPCP Basics
The rules and the regulatory guidance that has been released regarding SPCPs.
Why SPCPs are needed
Background, historical perspective, changing demographics, and current gaps.
Legal FAQs
Answers to the most commonly asked
questions – not to substitute for legal advice.
Market examples of SPCPs
What’s a product or service you’d like to show
Building your SPCP
Process overview and sample timeline feedback gathered from successful SPCPs.
Data & Design FAQs
Sample credit interventions for SPCPs and answers to common questions.
Data Analysis Examples
Sample checklist, resources, and case study for SPCP using market and lender data.
Compliance and Monitoring
Sample KPIS for SPCPs and answers to common compliance questions.
SPCP Toolkit Contributors
The professional nonprofit organizations who built this toolkit.